About Me
I am a PhD student at the University of Manchester, supervised by Prof. Lucas C. Cordeiro and Dr. Pavlos Petoumenos, fully funded by EPSRC and Arm Centre of Excellence. My research interests focus on formal verification (bounded model checking) and machine learning on verifying concurrent software.
- ESBMC v7.7: Efficient Concurrent Software Verification with Scheduling, Incremental SMT and Partial Order Reduction: TACAS (2025.01). Link
- JCWIT: A Correctness-Witness Validator for Java Programs Based on Bounded Model Checking: ISSTA (2024.09). Link
- Verifying components of Arm® Confidential Computing Architecture with ESBMC: SAS (2024.07). Link
- Wit4Java: A violation-witness validator for Java verifiers (competition contribution): TACAS (2022.03). Link
Software Projects
Email: wutonguom@gmail.com